current bio
Alison Lubar teaches high school English by day and yoga by night. They are a queer, nonbinary, biracial femme whose life work has evolved into bringing mindfulness practices to young people. Their poetry collection, The Other Tree, was the recipient of Harbor Editions’ 2024 Laureate Prize, and is set to be published in September 2025. They’re the author of four chapbooks: Philosophers Know Nothing About Love (Thirty West, 2022), queer feast (Bottlecap Press, 2022), sweet euphemism (CLASH!, 2023), and It Skips a Generation (Stanchion, 2023), as well as one full-length, METAMOURPHOSIS (fifth wheel press, 2024). Find out more at http://www.alisonlubar.com/ or on Twitter @theoriginalison.
bonus features
RYT200, currently teaching at Anjali Power Yoga , Wanderlust Wellness, and the Philadelphia's Stonewall Sports
basic skills in full stack development (though admittedly this site was built using Google Sites)
BA in Philosophy & Italian Literature from the University of Delaware
MSEd in Secondary English with a concentration in Urban Education from the University of Pennsylvania